Komline Sanderson

Since its incorporation in 1946, Komline-Sanderson Corporation has provided the highest quality equipment for applications including process/production filtration, drying, thermal processing, wastewater treatment, sludge processing, and pollution control.

The company and its subsidiaries supply equipment to a diverse group of customers around the world, including the municipal wastewater and electric power utilities, and a broad range of industrial clients.

Environmental Applications

Komline-Sanderson’s pumping, thickening, dewatering, and drying technologies are used to help both municipal and industrial wastewater (sewage) treatment plants reduce their sludge and biosolids disposal cost. Thickening greatly reduces the sludge volume for land application or improved digester performance. Belt press dewatering meets landfill disposal requirements for cake solids.

Indirect drying allows for disposal cost reduction and for the beneficial use of biosolids as soil amendments (fertilizers), sludge as fuel (green fuel), or the production of marketable by-products. The K-S Paddle Dryer can be heated with either steam or thermal fluid (hot oil).

Wastewater clarification using dissolved air flotation systems or precoat discharge rotary drum vacuum filters allows industrial plants to meet effluent discharge requirements and avoid costly surcharges.